Investing in The NPA Expansive Weekend or Absolute NPA, qualifies you to become part of a growing community of NPAers. All of us together participate in the evolution and spread of NPA – within ourselves and out in the world.
The NPA Community is designed and nurtured in order to inspire you to continue to practice NPA, to participate in the community activities, to continue your expansion and connect you with the wider community.
[headline_tahoma_large_left color=”#000000″]PARTICIPATE[/headline_tahoma_large_left]
As part of the NPA Community, you can participate in our twice monthly community calls. The calls are different in that the first is a general connection call, while the second is themed and more practice oriented. The technology we use means that you can pair up and practice with another community member on the call. Once you become a member, you can register for these calls.
[features_box_light_blue width=”95%” + border=”1px”]
“These monthly calls are free to members and an amazing opportunity to support yourself in your ongoing discovery of NPA”
[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#000000″]Community Call 1 – The General Call[/headline_tahoma_small_centered]
Focus: Sharing, Connection, Mutual Inspiration, Get your NPA Questions answered[/two_columns_1]
[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#000000″]Community Call 2 – The Themed Call[/headline_tahoma_small_centered]
Focus: Themes, Expansion, Explore yourself and discover new ways to use NPA, Practice NPA with others[/two_columns_2]
[/features_box_light_blue]Those who join us on these community calls report that it really helps them to stay connected to the NPA energy, go deeper with NPA and also inspires them to use NPA in powerful and exciting new ways!
[headline_tahoma_large_left color=”#000000″]CONNECT[/headline_tahoma_large_left]
Apart from the calls, you will also qualify to connect with other community members through our official community members facebook ‘group’ called NPA Worldwide Connection. It’s a place for NPA Community members to connect with others from around the globe – chat, arrange process swaps, inspire each other and connect, connect, connect!
[headline_tahoma_large_left color=”#000000″]SPECIAL EVENTS[/headline_tahoma_large_left]
From time to time we hold special community only events where you can join in live or in a teleseminar. There are even special rates for community members to sit and/or resit The NPA Expansive weekend!
[text_bar_3 background=”#D8F1EF” + width=”100%”]”The NPA Community: WE thinking, not ME thinking!”[/text_bar_3]